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Using OpenUsing
- Select any number of files/folders/disks in Finder (or Sherlock
or some other compatible application).
- Control-click on the selection to open the contextual menu.
- Choose an application from the "Open Using" submenu.
The selected file(s) will be opened using the chosen application.
- Files in the selection are assumed to be of the same type
as the first file.
- If the application selected does not recognize the file's
type you will be warned. You can instruct the plugin to try anyway
(expect some odd results), or advanced users can change the file
type to one that the application recognizes.
- The Open Using submenu is not loaded if :
- you control-click on something that is not a file or folder
- no applications aliases are installed in the OpenUsing Folder
- an error occurs
- Some applications cannot open files. For such applications
setting the creator code or file type or opening files using
the application is not possible, so an error message is displayed
if you try to do so (except for AppleScript applets which are
automatically launched). Such applications can only be launched.
- Many applications cannot open folders or disks. An error
message will be displayed if you try to open a folder/disk with
such an application.
- If an error occurs while loading the OpenUsing submenu, the
plugin will abandon the process, and the Open Using submenu will
not appear in the contextual menu. The error will be reported
after the contextual menu closes, but not if the error is the
same as the last error reported. Errors that arise from selecting
an item from the OpenUsing submenu are always reported.